Online Catalogue

Product Sections

Best Sellers:
  1. Large Bangles x 6
  2. Designing & Mounting Lace Fans by Christine Springett
  3. Lace for Special Occasions by Christine Springett
  4. Spangles and Superstitions by David & Christine Springett
  5. Stay Safe Star Kit (with flower beads)
  6. Christmas Stay Safe Star Kit (with flower beads)

Lacemaking Books

Online Catalogue |  Lacemaking Books

Lace for Children of all Ages by Christine Springett

Lace for Children of all Ages by Christine Springett

Price: £9.00


It’s Back!

We have reprinted this popular book which contains a wide variety of projects which were created with children in mind but which can equally well be enjoyed by adults.
Spiral bound, 72 pages, 6 colour plates, 68 b&w photos plus working diagrams and detailed written instructions for every piece.

Designing & Mounting Lace Fans by Christine Springett

Designing & Mounting Lace Fans by Christine Springett

Price: £5.50


This 48 page A5 booklet with 4 colour pages, plenty of diagrams and b&w photographs, gives you all the information you need to create a lace fan. It contains step by step instructions on how to mount a lace leaf onto a set of fansticks, how to calculate the size of a leaf needed to fit a particular set of sticks and covers all the important design considerations when creating your own original pattern. A truly comprehensive guide to successfully making a lace fan.

Bangle Bonanza by Christine Springett

Bangle Bonanza by Christine Springett

Price: £3.95


This 28 page, A5 booklet contains Christine's usual thorough pinhole by pinhole instructions and working diagrams for 12 Original Designs, worked inside a small bangle. These bangles make excellent decorations for Christmas trees or Christmas cards. They are ideal for Fundraising as they are quick to make and use the minimum of additional accessories. This booklet is exceptional value for money.

Magic Threads by Christine Springett

Magic Threads by Christine Springett

Price: £5.50


This is a 48 page A5 size booklet explaining how "magic threads" can be used to make joining your lace both neater and easier. Detailed instructions are given for inserting magic threads into starting loops of a simple Torchon edging and for using them at the end of the project. Also included is a Bedfordshire motif with directions for using magic threads not only for joining, but also for darning away into plaits, leaves & twisted pairs. You'll wonder how you ever managed without magic threads!

Snakes Galore by Christine Springett

Snakes Galore by Christine Springett

Price: £3.95


An A5 size booklet which has 20 jam-packed pages containing 10 all new variations on the famous snake bookmark pattern This pattern, first published in "Lace for Children Of All Ages" in 1989, has been incredibly popular. Now here are 10 variations on that snake with more challenging techniques so that you may continue to make them and never get bored.

Spangles and Superstitions by David & Christine Springett

Spangles and Superstitions by David & Christine Springett

Price: £3.50


A 38 page A5 booklet, with 2 colour plates detailing the types and variety of glass beads used on the spangles of English East Midland Lace bobbins of the 19th Century.
Discover which beads will help you avoid making mistakes in your lace; what a Kitty Fisher bead really looks like, and many tales and superstitions from the lacemakers of the past.

Variations on an Edging by Christine Springett

Variations on an Edging by Christine Springett

Price: £3.95


This 24 page A5 booklet with 2 colour plates contains 38 prickings in various shapes all adapted from the same simple edging. Along with the usual detailed working instructions there is a radical new method for joining and mounting lace onto cards.

Christmas Collection by Christine Springett

Christmas Collection by Christine Springett

Price: £5.50


A 44 page A5 booklet crammed with 12 new projects following a Christmas theme. There are 28 prickings for a number of variations on the basic designs so there's plenty to keep you busy whatever the time of the year. Three colour plates show how effective these new designs can be.

Success to the Lace Pillow by Christine & David Springett

Success to the Lace Pillow by Christine & David Springett

Price: £9.50


92 pages, 30cm x 21cm, 250 b&w photos, 8 colour plates.
This book provides a history, classification and identification of 19th Century East Midland lace bobbins and their makers, adding a further 16 years of research to their first book published in1981. This book is used by Phillips, the international auction house, to classify bobbins in their auctions.

Lace for Special Occasions by Christine Springett

Lace for Special Occasions by Christine Springett

Price: £12.00


100 pages, 30cm x 21 cm, 4colour pages plus numerous b&w photographs and working diagrams.
Christine's usual detailed written instructions ease you through a wide range of lacemaking projects for those special occasions. Projects include edgings for posies, photograph frames, fans and cards which can be adapted to suit a variety of occasions. There are hankies & headdresses in both Torchon and Bedfordshire lace, wedding garters, a horseshoe and hearts galore to celebrate weddings, engagements, birthdays, christenings and every anniversary.

The Torchon Lace Book by Christine Springett

The Torchon Lace Book by Christine Springett

Price: £7.50


56 pages spiral bound, 30cm x 21cm, 25 b&w photos and plenty of working diagrams.
This book has been written to accompany the two Torchon DVD's, but stands alone as an excellent first book for a new lacemaker, giving clear and precise instructions for all the basic Torchon skills. It contains a number of new projects to give a less experienced lacemaker plenty of practice, but these should also appeal to more experienced workers. There is a section which helps you to spot common mistakes and tells you how to put them right, there are also instructions for using "Magic Threads" which can greatly ease the joining process at the end of a piece of lace.

The Christmas Lace Book by Christine Springett

The Christmas Lace Book by Christine Springett

Price: £8.75


104 pages, 30cm x 21cm, 4 colour plates, 70 b&w photos. and over 40 working diagrams.
This book is crammed full of new and exciting Christmas projects all with that special Christine Springett touch. Clear diagrams, accurate prickings and detailed instructions will enable you to make each piece successfully. If you liked "Lace for Children of all Ages" you will love this book.

Fine Buckinghamshire Point Lace Patterns Belonging to the Misses Sivewright and Pope

Fine Buckinghamshire Point Lace Patterns Belonging to the Misses Sivewright and Pope

Price: £7.00


11 large pages 45cm x 30cm
Eleven pages of glorious Bucks. Point patterns (prickings only) produced by Miss Sivewright and Miss Pope of Headington Hill, Oxford early in the 20th Century.
In publishing this collection of patterns we have reproduced the actual pricking holes for absolute accuracy. Although we have drawn in some of the marking, because several of the prickings were a little worn, we have traced them from the originals so that they too remain true to the original design. We hope that you will find inspiration in these stunning patterns but if you find the prospect of working some of the pieces a little daunting then they may be a useful source of motifs which can be transferred to a less ambitious design.

Online Catalogue |  Lacemaking Books